gemischte Übungen im going-to-future
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- Frage 1 von 6
1. Frage
Welcher Satz ist richtig?
- Frage 2 von 6
2. Frage
Welcher Satz ist grammatikalisch richtig im going to future formuliert?
- Frage 3 von 6
3. Frage
Welcher Satz ist korrekt?
- Frage 4 von 6
4. Frage
Welcher Satz ist korrekt?
- Frage 5 von 6
5. Frage
Füge die Basuteine zu sinvollen Sätzen im going to future zusammen:
- that old dress tonight?
- this idiot?
- for her birthday.
- to working overtime again.
- to Spain again for vacation.
- Are you really going to wear
- Are you really going to invite
- I am not going to give her anything
- I am not going to agree
- We are not going to go
- Frage 6 von 6
6. Frage
Setze die fehlenden Verben, bzw. Hilfsverben in die Lücken.
Benutze immer das going to future wie im Beispiel.
I_________football (play) – I am going to play football.
__I______ football. (play) – Am I going to play football?
I_________football. (not play) – I’m not going to play football.- I ('m not going to make, am not going to make) the coffee today. (not make) (Are) you (going to clean up) your room now, or what? (clean up) She ('s not going to go, is not going to go, isn't going to go) on a boat trip this year. (not go) Stephen ('s going to pay, is going to pay) all of his bills. (pay) We ('re going to go, are going to go) to a concert tonight. (go)