pronouns - explanations

pronouns English - different usage

personal pronoun
as subject
personal pronoun
as object
possessive pronoun
as adjective
possessive pronoun
as subject
reflexive pronoun

different usage of pronouns

A pronoun replaces the name of person or an object in order not to have to repeat it all the time. This way, it is possible to vary the sentence structure a little.

for example: Jim likes football. – He likes it.

If there were no pronouns we would have to repeat Jim's name all the time.

usage as a noun.

If the pronoun is the subject of the sentence, it is used as a noun. Therefore, if the pronoun is the acting person or item, use the following pronouns:


usage as object

If the pronoun is the object of the sentence, use the following forms:

for example: Jim likes football. – Jim likes it.


besitzanzeigendes Fürwort – Possesivpronomen

usage as adjective:

If the possessive pronoun is used as an adjective use the following forms:

for example: It’s Jim’s book. – It’s his book.


usage as noun:

If the possessive pronoun is used as noun use the following forms:

for example: It’s Jim’s book. – It’s his.


reflexive pronoun

If the pronoun refers to the person or item itself it is reflexive:

for example : Jim can see himself in the mirror.


Beware: The following verbs do not require a relfexive pronoun:

argue – sich streiten; fall in love -sich verlieben; lie down – sich hinlegen;
change – sich verändern, umziehen; feel – sich fühlen; meet – sich treffen;
complain – sich beschweren; divorce – sich scheiden lassen; remember – sich erinnern;
concentrate – sich konzentrieren; hurry – sich beeilen; sit down – sich setzen;
decide – sich entscheiden; imagine – sich vorstellen;


pronouns exercises