Will Future

Will Future Aufgaben

Übungen zum Will Future im bejahten Aussagesatz

John  (be) president one day.
Die richtige Lösung ist: will be   

✍️ Fülle die Verben in Klammern in der richtigen Form des Will Future in die Lücken:

Johnny (drink) all the champagne. We (ride) our bikes only if the weahter is nice. Leroy (wash) his car next week. Probably, they (use) their scooter only in summer. You (be) so happy, believe me. He (watch) TV all day, I guess. My boss (lose) all his money with this investment. Boris (do) too much sport in summer. I (have) the steak. Waiter! Michael Scott (work) his way up the career ladder.

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