tall – large – big – high – great – Unterschied

tall – large – big – high – great – Unterschied

Übungen zum Unterschied von tall – large – big – high – great

I ordered a cappucino.
Die richtige Lösung ist: large  

✍️ Fülle entweder large, tall, big, high oder great je nach Kontext sinvoll in die Lücken:

Look at the guy. This he must be a basketball player. He is so he must be a bodybuilder. I always order a Latte with soy milk. She climbs mountains. Thats’s just . No school tomorrow. If the number is too just divide it by two.. The USA covers a area. Many men died before their time. Why do they call him Al? He is slim. Karen had a success this week.

Alle Übungen zum Unterschied von during und while