Simple Present / Present Progressive Unterschied Test
Klicke auf die richtige Option:
Ordne das jeweilige Signalwort der entsprechenden Zeit zu und ziehe dieses in das passende Feld:
- at the moment
- as we speak
- every Tuesday
- always
- this week
- currently
- sometimes
- never
- usually
- right now
- today
- often
- ever
- listen
Ziehe die richtige Option in die Lücken:
- is shining
- are singing
- goes
- hopes
- is visiting
- is traveling
- is wearing
- is
a wonderful day.
The sun
and the birds
It’s Monday and like every Monday Mr. Smith
for a walk.
But unlike normal Mondays he
his Sunday shoes.
to meet Ms. Jones.
But today Ms. Jones
to London.
her sister.