Partizip Perfekt – Präsens Unterschied

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Partizip Perfekt – Präsens – Unterschied

Übungen zum Unterschied von past participle und -ing Form

The boy at the bus stop is blond..
Die richtige Lösung ist: standing  

✍️Fülle die richte Form des past participle oder der -ing Form des Verbs in Klammern je nach Kontext in die Lücken:

After (live) here, you will like it anywhere. The book (write) by Stephen King, was a besteller. The girl (dance) on Tik Tok, became a millionaire. A car (power) by electricity runs without noise. While (read) a magazine, he fell asleep. The man (save) a cat, became a You Tube star. After (quit) my job, I became a rock star. The baby (give) up for adoption, lived happily ever after. When(drink) too much soda, I felt sick. (leave) by his girlfriend, his life started to change.