Much / Many / Little / Few/ More/ Most/ Less/ Least

Mengenangaben / quantifiers Englisch

Unterschied zwischen much /many / little / few/ more/ most/ less/ least

Francesca is  popular than Marina.
Die richtige Lösung ist: more  

✍️ Fülle die richtige Mengenangabe in die Lücke (much /many / little / few/fewer/fewest more/ most/ less/ least). Achte darauf, ob das Bezugswort in der Einzahl oder Mehrzahl ist und ob es gesteigert werden muss:

Johnny has no friends. He’s the popular guy at school. Young people have chances than old ones. I have money than Jeff Bezos. Skateboarding is fun than studying.

We have cars than Mayweather. Johnny has no clue. He’s the involved. I admire how strength she has. Poor people have the opportunities. There is concern about the future than the past. Store managers fear Karen the .