Modalverben Ersatzformen Englisch Übungen

Modalverben Ersatzformen Aufgaben

Übungen zu Modalverben Ersatzformen im Englischen

You  (should)  to clean up your room yesterday.
Die richtige Lösung ist: were supposed   

✍️ Fülle die Verben in Klammern in der richtigen Ersatzform des Modalverbs in der richtigen Zeitform in die Lücken. Verwende in der Verneinung die Langform. Achte auf die Signalwörter:

We (must) to be finished by tomorrow. You (must not) to go into this building this week. You (can) to do it next week. You (may not) to bring your dog to school ever. He (need) to wash his car yesterday. He just (must) to watch the final of GOT yesterday. He’s addicted to it. She (need not) to worry about anything tomorrow. Chuck Norris is there. Boris (can) to play for our team next year. The Smiths (cannot) to go to the movies. There was a bomb threat. In two weeks you (must) to start with your master thesis.