Mengenangaben Englisch – little / few

Mengenangaben / quantifiers Englisch

Unterschied zwischen little und few

⓿Why has John so  friends?
Die richtige LĂśsung ist: few  

✍️ Fülle die richtige Mengenangabe in die Lücke (little oder few). Achte darauf, ob das Bezugswort in der Einzahl oder Mehrzahl ist:

❶Liam has idea of computers. ❷Old people play computer games. ❸Francesca eats too healthy food.

❹Studying is fun.(Unless on this site). ❺Your input is of importance. ❻Too people know me. I need a You-Tube Channel! ❼How do we know about the world? ❽ children dream of being tax consultants. ❾There is hope for small businesses in times of crisis. ❿Karen has patience with store managers.