Mehrzahl – Bildung – Pluralformen Englisch – unregelmäßig

Mehrzahl – Pluralformen Englisch – unregelmäßig

Übungen zur Bildung der unregelmäßigen Mehrzahl in Englisch

John keeps several  (mouse)  as pets.
Die richtige Lösung ist: mice  

✍️ Fülle korrekte Form der Mehrzahl des Namenwortes in Klammern in die Lücken:

During the pandemic many (aircraft) had to be grounded. The farmer has many (goose). I hope my dentist won’t pull any (tooth). They are just big (fish) in a small pond. Today (man) use cosmetic products. Sometimes you just have to roll the (die). A cart is pulled by a team of (ox). Boris has no(child). Ouch! You just stepped on my (foot) . Most of my customers are wonderful (person).