during – while – Unterschied
Übungen zum Unterschied von during und while ⓿ lockdown I put on weight.
Die richtige Lösung ist: during
Die richtige Lösung ist: during
✍️ Fülle entweder during oder while je nach Kontext sinvoll in die Lücken:
❶ Johnny was away, Elivs called. ❷I heard it lunch -break. The Lakers won! ❸Sarah never wears her glasses Yoga-class. ❹They always eat too much they are away. ❺I wanted to learn Mandarin I stayed in China. ❻I never studied my first year in high school. ❼We always have fun we’re at school. ❽Boris let his hair go out of control lockdown. ❾You must enjoy it it lasts. ❿Karen often gets nervous TV commercials.