Will Future Passiv

Will Future im Passiv

Übungen zum Verb in der Passivform des Will Future

Toilet paper (sell) out soon.
Die richtige Lösung ist: will be sold   

✍️ Fülle die richtige Form des Verbs in Klammern im Passiv des Will-Future in die Lücke:

My car (put) out of commission soon. We (invite) to the wedding . I (vote) disco king this season.🕺 She (promote) to bathroom manager this month. Our neighbors (pick) up by a helicopter. She (see) as a great hero in the future. We (call) in to the principal. Panda triplets (bear) this week. We must go and see. Lots of beer (drink) at the Oktoberfest this year. The match (lose) . We don’t have a chance.