Modalverben Ersatzformen Aufgaben
Übungen zu Modalverben Ersatzformen im Englischen ⓿You (should) to clean up your room yesterday.
Die richtige Lösung ist: were supposed
✍️ Fülle die Verben in Klammern in der richtigen Ersatzform des Modalverbs in der richtigen Zeitform in die Lücken. Verwende in der Verneinung die Langform. Achte auf die Signalwörter:
❶We (must) to be finished by tomorrow. ❷You (must not) to go into this building this week. ❸You (can) to do it next week. ❹You (may not) to bring your dog to school ever. ❺He (need) to wash his car yesterday. ❻He just (must) to watch the final of GOT yesterday. He’s addicted to it. ❼She (need not) to worry about anything tomorrow. Chuck Norris is there. ❽Boris (can) to play for our team next year. ❾The Smiths (cannot) to go to the movies. There was a bomb threat. ❿In two weeks you (must) to start with your master thesis.