Cow Idioms – cow mehr mal

Der gemütliche Wiederkäuer und Milchgeber ist Grundlage für zahlreiche englische Redewendungen, die die Popularität dieses viermägigen Fleckviehs auch in angolophonen Ländern widerspiegeln.

to be as awkward as a cow on a crutch (Krücke) = extrem umständlich sein


It´s extremely hard to workt with Andy, he is a awkward as a cow on a crutch.

why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free = etwas umsonst abgreifen


Why buy a car, my neighbor always gives me a ride? Why buy the the cow, when you can the milk for free.

until the cow comes home = bis in the Puppen


When I was young I always used to go out until the cow came home.

to have a cow = sich aufregen


Don´t have a cow, your daughter will finally settle down.

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