Bad Things Come in Threes – three things you should´t say to a policeman

Police officers are not stupid. At least they get psychological training. In order to make you feel guilty beforehand and make you  spell out it  yourself, they always ask you what legal transgression you might have committed. Don´t buy into their scheme. Here are three standards that will put a lid on any overzealous law enforcer.

Police officer: Can you imagine why I stopped you?


  • because I have more horse power than you?
  • because I graduated from high school, and don´t have to wear a uniform to feel self-confident?
  • because you ran out of doughnuts and you´re on depression induced by low blood sugar ?

vocab tips:   legal transgression = Gesetzeswidrigkeit, overzealous = übereifrig, to put lid on someone = jemanden zum Schweigen bringen

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