-Bound – richtungsweisends Anhängsel

Das Suffix (Anhängsel in der Sprache der Grammatikfreaks) -bound, ermöglicht es einem auf idiomatische Weise eine Richtung anzugeben:

So heisst etwa westbound Richtung Westen.

z.B. This train is westbound.

Das Ganze kann auch in esoterische Ebenen abdriften, so heisst z.B. spellbound, verzaubert. (spell = Zauberspruch)

Natürlich findet dieses Phänomen auch Anwendung in profaneren, wenn nicht gleich lichtscheueren Bereichen, so beduetet “troublebound” so etwas wie “auf Krawall geeicht“.

(Riley – Wallace – Clement)

Well, the barroom it was crowded
Everybody there was high
That’s when I seen my baby
While I was passing by
And I couldn’t understand it
Didn’t think she’d let me down
Well, she was with another
And I was trouble bound

They were drinking wine together
Laughing and having fun
Well, my heart it was full of trouble
When I seen what my baby done
And I couldn’t understand it
Didn’t think she’d let me down
Well, I guess she didn’t love me
‘Cause now I’m trouble bound

They were drinking wine together
Laughing and having fun
Well, my heart it was full of trouble
When I seen what my baby done
And I couldn’t understand it
Didn’t think she’d let me down
Well, I guess she didn’t love me
‘Cause now I’m trouble bound
Well, I guess she didn’t love me
‘Cause now I’m trouble bound

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