False Friends Galore – Business English

In dem folgenden Text ensprechen die Fett gedruckten Wörter englischen Vokablen, die ihren deutschen Synonymen aussprachemäßig zwar ähneln, aber eine vollkommen andere Bedeutung haben:

Yesterday Johnny was firing his 10th anniversary at Swindlers Insurance Inc. He started there in 1986 and became one of the most successful sales representatives in the branch.  He first had been working for Fraudster Ltd., a daughter of Swindlers Inc., and worked his way up to being one of the top dogs in the firm. He is always very engaged. He is not satisfied by only handing the customer a prospect, but he is real go-getter, who doesn´t give up till he has the contract home and dry (in trockenen Tüchern). He often has genial ideas. He has a funded knowledge about the business and now lives in a noble house in London.

a.) celebrating  b.) industry, business c) subsidiary d.) committed e.) brochure f.) brilliant g) sound h.) luxury

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